Ing. Radovan Semančík, PhD.

Radovan Semancik

Short Bio (Commercial)

Radovan Semančík is a Co-Founder and Software Architect at Evolveum, the vendor of the leading open source IGA platform midPoint. Radovan was pioneering early identity management deployments in Europe in the 2000s. Since then, he has been combining identity governance and administration (IGA) expertise with more than 30 years of software development and architecture experience, channelling the knowledge into midPoint's development. Radovan holds a Master's and PhD degree in Software Engineering from the Slovak Technical University. His main areas of interest are digital identity and software architecture.

Short Bio (Academic/Activist)

He graduated from the Slovak Technical University with a master degree in Software Engineering and PhD degree. He works as a software architect at Evolveum, and he is also one of the founders of the company. His main areas of interest are digital identity and software architecture. He was involved in deployment of identity management solutions since early 2000s. He is an open-source project contributor and participates in several software development projects. He dedicates most of his time to guide the midPoint project - the most comprehensive open source identity governance and administration (IGA) platform currently available. He is a retired Apache Foundation committer and project management committee member.


Vyštudoval odbor softvérové inžinierstvo na Slovenskej Technickej Univerzite v Bratislave a na rovnakej univerzite získal titul PhD. Pracuje v spoločnosti Evolveum na pozícií softvérového architekta. Bol jedným zo zakladateľov spoločnosti Evolveum. Jeho hlavnými oblasťami záujmu sú digitálna identita a architektúry softvérových systémov. Bol zapojený do mnohých nasadení riešení pre spávu podnikových identít (IDM) približne od roku 2000. Je aktívny prispievateľ do open-source projektov a spolupracuje na rozsiahlych medzinárodných softvérových projektoch. Väčšinu svojho času venuje vedeniu projektu midPoint, ktorý je najrozsiahlejším voľne dostupným open source systémom pre správu identít. Podieľal sa na práci Apache Foundation ako committer a člen project management commitee.