What's Wrong with RESTful Web Services
25 Jan 2010RESTful web services are seen by many (especially young) developers with almost religious awe. Such services are built using standard HTTP protocol with usual HTTP methods as operations. RESTful web services have no arguments, they GET, PUT, POST and DELETE resource representations. The resources are identified by URLs that are also used for links among resources. Such an approach requires a fundamental change of mindset when compared to a more traditional RPC-style of building services. But that is not really a problem: most simple services can be acceptably well modeled using the RESTful approach. The problem is not in the functional aspect.
The problem is, as usual, in the tricky non-functional aspect. Web services are mechanism for communication between computers, but the Web was designed for human-to-computer interactions. Many issues appear from the blue if the Web is used for something that it was not really designed for. Let's have a look at security aspect of RESTful web services as an example.
It is difficult to authenticate invoker of the service to the provider. There are two authentication mechanisms for HTTP (basic and digest), but these are design for interactive human-to-computer authentication. HTTPS in mutual authentication mode provides another solution. This can be non-interactive, but is quite hardcoded to X.509. Under normal circumstances it can authenticate two sites to each other. What would a service need is to authenticate user to the site. If you want to authenticate user on the client side to server, you can still do that with somehow non-typical use of X.509. In that case each client site must be a certificate authority. However as certificate constraints are not well supported, root certificate authorities are not likely to issue certificates that allow creating subordinate certificate authorities to clients.
But even if HTTPS/SSL/X.509 can be fixed, it will most likely not solve the problem. I doubt that X.509 can be flexible enough to support broad variety of security schemes that Internet-wide technology requires. And the flexibility comes with a cost: interoperability. The people working with enterprise PKI know how difficult is to achieve interoperability of different X.509 implementations, and that is miles away from Internet scale. There was only a slightly improvement in two decades of X.509 existence therefore there is little hope that X.509 will be the right solution for the Internet.
There are (relatively) new security mechanism out there, but these apply more to the RPC-style web services. WS-Security and SAML are good examples. WS-Security specifies a header to SOAP request that contains security credentials. SAML specifies protocols and security token applicable for various scenarios, including Internet-scale single-sign-on and federation. However it is difficult to use SAML with RESTful web services. SAML tokens are usually many lines of XML code. In SOAP there is a place for the token in message header, but there is no such place in HTTP. I don't think that placing few kilobytes of XML data in custom HTTP request header is ideal solution. If that would work at all it will be a non-standard hack. And there is no other place in HTTP GET request for such data. There is a way how to shorten SAML token into a few bytes of SAML artifact. But artifact resolution requires additional round trip. In fact several round trips as a new TCP connection (and most likely also SSL handshake) is usually required. It also requires active client being able to listen for connections and maintenance of state on client side. There is also a question how to pass the artifact to the server. The usual way of putting that in the query string is a violation of REST principles, therefore the result will likely be non-standard solution or broken architecture.
The situation is quite similar for many other non-functional aspects. It is difficult to guarantee consistency, atomicity and coordination of RESTful web services (e.g. make them part of a transaction). As URLs are both service endpoints and object identifiers, it is difficult to move service without breaking compatibility. There is no practical interface definition language and interoperability guidelines. Each definition of RESTful service is a free-form text for humans to read and implement with very limited possibility for code generation ...
I'm not trying to tell that all that is RESTful is useless. Both REST and RESTful web services can be very useful, especially with services that shoot for Internet scale. RESTful web services undoubtedly have many advantages but also many limitations. Standard RESTful web services are not yet ready for anything but very simple public services - for that RESTful solution could be ideal. However RESTful approach fails if service quality is important. Custom non-standard solutions can help a bit, but these have their own dangers, especially if the goal is to create interoperable Internet-scale services.
Engineering is not religion and technologies should be assessed with sceptic eye. An engineer that designs anything RESTful should be well aware of the limitations of REST and Web instead of blindly following the hype.