
ISO27001 with MidPoint [video]
May 2024 Evolveum webinar (with Peter Pištek)
Preparing for NIS2 Directive [video]
Apr 2024 Evolveum webinar (with Peter Pištek and Martin Handl)
MidPoint and Cybersecurity Compliance
Jan 2024 MidPoint working group at TIIME Unconference, Copenhagen
Parametric and Dynamic Roles
Jan 2024 MidPoint working group at TIIME Unconference, Copenhagen
Navigating the Access Control Maze
Dec 2023 KuppingerCole & Evolveum Webinar
Complexities of Identity Provenance Metadata
Jun 2021 Open Identity Summit 2021 (see also paper)
Data Provenance and Metadata Management in IdM [video]
Sep 2020 Evolveum on-line workshop (with Slávek Licehammer)
What's New In MidPoint 4.1
May 2020 Evolveum Webinar
Evolveum Business Model
Feb 2020 Open Source IAM, TIIME Workshop, Vienna
ConnId Connector Framework
Feb 2020 Open Source IAM, TIIME Workshop, Vienna
The State of MidPoint
Feb 2020 MidPoint User Group, TIIME Workshop, Vienna
Fighting Software Maintainability Nightmares
Mar 2019 Lecture at Technical University of Košice, Košice
LDAP Servers
Feb 2019 Open Source IAM, TIIME Workshop, Vienna
Connector Framework Future
Feb 2019 Open Source IAM, TIIME Workshop, Vienna (with Francesco Chicchiriccò)
How To Maintain Million Lines Of Open Source Code And Remain Sane or The Story of MidPoint
Oct 2018 Presentation at Rubyslava #75, Bratislava
Software Architecture - Theory and Practice
Apr 2018 Lecture at Technical University of Košice, Košice
MidPoint: Consumer to Contributor [slideshare]
Feb 2018 Presentation at TIIME Workshop 2018, Vienna
Identity Governance and Data Protection with midPoint [slideshare], [video MP4], [video WebM/VP9]
Feb 2018 Presentation at FOSDEM 2018, Brussels (with Katarina Valiliková)
There is REST and then there is "REST" [slideshare]
Nov 2017 Lecture at Technical University of Košice, Košice
Introduction to LDAP and Directory Services [slideshare], [video] (slovak)
Apr 2016 Presentation at SOIT OSS Weekend, Bratislava
Project midPoint or how a handful of fools fought the Giants [slideshare]
Apr 2016 Presentation at SOIT OSS Weekend, Bratislava
Identity Management with midPoint [slideshare]
Jan 2016 Presentation at FOSDEM 2016, Security DevRoom, Brussels
Complete Open Source IAM Solution [slideshare]
Nov 2015 Presentation at LDAPcon 2015, Edinburgh (with Katarina Valiliková)
Open Source Identity Management [slideshare]
Nov 2015 Presentation at OpenAlt, Brno
Introduction to Identity and Access Management for the engineers
Apr 2015 Presentation at EUNIS-SK seminar, Bratislava
How to Get Rich by Working on Open Source Software
Mar 2015 Presentation at SOIT Open Source Weekend, Bratislava
Customer Identity Management
May 2014 Beergarden talk at European Identity and Cloud Conference, Munich
Once upon a time, there was Internet (Slovak, English subtitles)
May 2012 TEDx Bratislava talk
OpenIDM Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Jan 2011 OpenIDM Design Summit, Oslo
Pragmatic Software Architecture Introduction
Dec 2008 Presentation at JavaDay, a JavaTeam event, Bratislava
Choosing the Best Identity Management Technology for your Business
May 2006 InfoSeCon '06 Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia (see also paper)
How to Deploy Digital Identity Technology (Slovak)
Sep 2004 Netwrok Forum '04 Conference, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Solutions and Technolgies for Unified User Management (Slovak)
Oct 2004 Information Technologies and Public Administration (ITAPA) Conference, Bratislava
Solutions and Technolgies for Unified User Management
Sep 2004 Netwrok Forum '04 Conference, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
SOAP Bubbles (Slovak)
Mar 2004 10th SkLUG Linux Weekend, Žilina, Slovakia
UniversUM - Unified User Management for SME (Slovak)
Mar 2004 Sun Volume Products Roadshow, Bratislava, Slovakia
Security Management (Slovak)
Nov 2003 Presentations at 9th Linux Weekend, Bratislava, Slovakia
Buzzword Dictionary, Vol. II - Security Buzzwords (Slovak)
Nov 2003 Presentations at 9th Linux Weekend, Bratislava, Slovakia
Bezpečnosť ako nový zdroj príjmov pre ISP (Slovak)
Nov 2003 Presentation at "New Services for Service Providers" forum, Bratislava, Slovakia
New Approach to eGovernment Security
Oct 2003 Presentation at ITAPA'03 "IT and Public Administration" Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia
PKI a Digital Identity v praxi (Slovak)
Sep 2003 Presentation at Network Forum 2003 Conference, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Digital Identity as a Basis for Internet Security Infrastructure
Sep 2003 ICETA 2003, Košice, Slovakia (see also paper)
PKI or not PKI?
Mar 2003 Presentations at 8th SkLUG Linux Weekend in Košice, Slovakia
Buzzword dictionary, part I (Slovak)
Mar 2003 Presentations at 8th SkLUG Linux Weekend in Košice, Slovakia
Technologies of Tomorrow
Mar 2003 Presentations at Sun ONE event in Bratislava, Slovakia
Digital Identity and PKI, What's the Next Step?
Mar 2003 Presentations at Sun ONE event in Bratislava, Slovakia
Identity Management
Mar 2003 Presentations at Sun ONE event in Bratislava, Slovakia
Digital Identity - Základ bezpečnosti
Nov 2002 Presentation at Sun Forum 2002 in Bratislava, Slovakia
Next Generation Internet: Web Services
Oct 2002 Presentation at 7th SkLUG Linux Weekend in Zilina, Slovakia
Digital Identity
Oct 2002 Presentation at 7th SkLUG Linux Weekend in Zilina, Slovakia
Digital Identity
Sep 2002 Presentation at Network Forum 2002 Conference, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Cryptology basics (Slovak)
Mar 2002 Presentation at 6th SkLUG Linux Weekend in Bratislava, Slovakia
Internet security (Slovak)
Mar 2002 Presentation at 6th SkLUG Linux Weekend in Bratislava, Slovakia
iPlanet PKI Solution (Slovak)
Mar 2002 Presentation at SUN RoadShow, Bratislava
PKI Bacics and perspective (Slovak)
Feb 2002 Presentation at SUN e-government event, Bratislava
Object Oriented Programing - The Basics
Mar 2001 Presentation at 4th SkLUG Linux Weekend in Bratislava
Dynamic Web with Apache
Mar 2001 Presentation at 4th SkLUG Linux Weekend in Bratislava
In cooperation with Juraj Bednar and Peter Mikula.
Perl - The Internet Language (Slovak)
Oct 2000 Presentation at 3nd SkLUG Linux Weekend in Zvolen, Slovakia.
Základy bezpečnosti TCP/IP sietí (Slovak)
Mar 2000 Presentation at 2nd SkLUG Linux Weekend in Košice, Slovakia.